The Treasury, Petra, JORDAN ~ PLACES



The Treasury ~ Petra, JORDAN

Exquisite man-made carvings, an atmospheric musical performance and a full moon energy make Petra, Jordan a place to discover as shared by George Steinmetz.


"The Treasury in #Petra#Jordan, on a full moon during a candle-lit musical performance. Petra was carved from the narrow sandstone canyons of Wadi Musa, on the edge of the Dead Sea rift, by Nabateans some 2,000 years ago.

They became rich from trading frankincense from Arabia to Palestine and the Mediterranean.

With the advent of Christianity, funerary customs changed and demand for frankincense collapsed, and #Nabatean wealth along with it. "

Photograph by George Steinmetz @geosteinmetz

#Repost from @geosteinmetz

@thephotosociety @natgeocreative @anastasiaphoto1 #arab #places @peopleplacesplanet #carvings #music#fullmoon #travel #deadsea


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Quote of the Day ~ Fri 2 Jan

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, 

it sings because it has a SONG."

~ Maya Angelou

#quoteoftheday #qotd #you #mayaangelou #mayaangelouquote #people #peopleplacesplanet #quote #peoplequote #song

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Selenge Aimag Naadam, MONGOLIA ~ PLACES



Selenge Aimag Naadam ~ MONGOLIA

Places and ceromonies share much about communities and the planet. This at Selenge Aimag Naadam in Mongolia is a two day celebration and there are many volunteers who have supported and learnt from the community.


"This is ever so clear during the Naadam celebration each July. I took this photo at the opening ceremony of the Selenge Aimag Naadam. The photo depicts four children in traditional dress playing the morin khuur. I was only a trainee and learned so much about the culture during the two day celebration.

There are 132 volunteers in Mongolia working with their communities on projects in English education, youth development and health. More than 1,145 Peace Corps volunteers have served in Mongolia since the program was established in 1991. "

#Repost from @peacecorps

#PeaceCorps #PeaceCorpsVolunteer #Volunteer #Asia #Mongolia #children #instruments #traditionalclothing #morinkhuur #music #kids #SelengeAimagNaadam #celebration #ceremony #musicalinstruments #traditionalmusic


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Quote of the Day ~ Thu 1 Jan

"My mission in life is not merely to survivebut to THRIVE;
and to do so with some PASSION,
some HUMOUR,
and some STYLE."

~ Maya Angelou

#happynewyear #newyearnewyou #quoteoftheday #qotd #thrive #passion #compassion #humour #style #you #mayaangelou #mayaangelouquote #people #peopleplacesplanet #quote #peoplequote

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We treasure what we need and sometimes forget the obvious!

"Humans making air. 
That'll be fun to watch."

The rainforest is lungs of the earth and much more. #KevinSpacey shares more as is The #Rainforest..

Nature Is Speaking Kevin Spacey is The Rainforest | Conservation International (CI)

Julia Roberts, Harrison Ford, Kevin Spacey, Edward Norton, Penélope Cruz, Robert Redford and Ian Somerhalder all join forces to give nature a voice.

Over the coming days we will share with you the Nature is Speaking series.

Today: "Kevin Spacey is THE RAINFOREST"

Contemplate and Enjoy!

(Press play to begin)

 For further information check out the nature is speaking website:

#makingadifference #planet #peopleplacesplanet #weareone #NatureIsSpeaking #conservation #eco #green #deforestation #activism #spacey #therainforest #planet #trees #peopleplacesplanet #quote #quoteoftheday #peopleplacesplanet

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Quote of the Day ~ Wed 31 Dec

"You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life."

~ Zig Ziglar

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Space and Smiles ~ PEOPLE



Space and Smiles! Keeping a check on reality and life.



"I legally changed my name to Space. It's to remind me that the problems in your life are like stars. When you're up close to them, they can burn you. But when you see them with space between them, they are phenomenal specks of light."

"And I changed my name to Smiles!

#Repost from @humansofny

#people #humansofny #peopleplacesplanet #reality #space #smiles #life


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Quote of the Day ~ Tue 30 Dec

"The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learnthe more places you'll go."

~ Dr Seuss

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2004 Sri Lanka Tsumani ~ PLANET


PPP-Planet-2004-Sri-Lanka-TsunamiOur planet is gentle, kind and alive! She impacts us all in small and large ways.

John Stanmeyer shares his 2004 Sri Lanka Tsunami experience 10 years on.


"10th Anniversary of Indian Ocean Tsunami — Salvaging the few possessions from her destroyed home after massive wave hit the city of Batticaloa located in eastern Sri Lanka. Thousands where killed on December 26, 2004, by the Indian Ocean tsunami that hit this second largest city along Sri Lanka's east coast.

Ten years ago today I came upon this event. Walking some 1/2 mile (.8 kilometers) inland from the sea, a home literally snapped in half by a wave that took the lives of more than 230,000 across six countries. The women was stoic, resolute in the task of collecting the few items that remained, her only possessions amidst a landscape strewn in debris and more bodies then I could ever count.

It has been a difficult task returning to this specific period of time in my archive. I spent a week traveling throughout Sri Lanka in the immediate aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. It left me deeply saddened, at times lost. Often crushing me in silent. An event of such magnitude it was beyond comprehension. Beyond photography.

Having grown up in the Bahamas, spent time along the east coast of Florida, later in life on a small island off Hong Kong and lastly Bali, Indonesia, oceans have been a natural part of my life with no fear of water nor the deepest seas.

However since 2004 and till this day, when I stand on a beach, the first thing I do is consider an exit plan — where would I run, just in case. Then, panning about, I look for swale’s, indentions or depressions in the marsh area of sand usually 100-200 meters before the shoreline, an indication of ancient tsunami activity. It usually follows in flashing remembrance of what I witnessed from months in Sri Lanka and Indonesia in 2004 through 2005, crushed and astonished as I ponder just how alive our earth is.

All my best,

John Stanmeyer"

Photograph by @JohnStanmeyer

#Repost from @natgeo

#peopleplacesplanet #planet #ocean #amazing #srilanka #Batticaloa #2004tsunami #2004IndianOceanTsunami #10AnniversaryTsunami

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Quote of the Day ~ Sun 29 Dec

"LOVE recognises no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope."

~ Maya Angelou

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