My Grandparents Abused Me ~ PEOPLE



People know. There's an intuition that guides us, and we follow...


My grandparents abused me because they hated my mother.

I decided when I was eleven years old that either I was going to kill them, or they were going to kill me, so I went to school one day and told my teacher, and they placed me in a group home for nine years.

That’s how bad it was. It was so bad, that even at eleven, I knew I had to get out and break the cycle.”

“What cycle?”
The cycle of people taking out their feelings on their family.

#Repost from @humansofny 

#people #peopleplacesplanet #ny #newyork #believeinyourself #followyourheart #amazingpeople #courage  #extraordinarypeople #intuition #life


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