Arctic Circle, CANADA ~ PLACES



Arctic Circle, CANADA

Natural light is all a matter of perspective! This magical neon green from the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) is at the Arctic Circle in Canada.


"Magical night with the Northern Lights!!

The neon green lights in the sky twisted and danced around for over 4 hours.

This arctic circle sign in Yukon Territory is visited frequently in the summer season but in the winter with -45c temperatures you won't find anyone. The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, is natural light caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the Thermosphere."

#Repost from Mike Theiss @extremenature

#AuroraBorealis #northernlights #canada #arcticcircle #yukon #magic #green#neongreen #extremenature #places #planet #people #ice #snow#peopleplacesplanet #thermosphere @peopleplacesplanet

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