The Kangaroo Sanctuary ~ PLANET


PPP-Planet-The-Kangaroo-SanctuaryAn inspiring and heart touching journey, with baby kangaroos and Kangaroo Dundee!

Brolga (Kangaroo Dundee) first established the baby kangaroo (joey) rescue centre in Alice Springs in 2005 to help baby kangaroos he found orphaned in the bush. His love, generosity and compassion for the kangaroos is heart touching. He then went on to build his own wildlife sanctuary in 2009-11.

The Sanctuary is a 90 acre wildlife reserve of untouched bush-land where Brolga’s mob of 25 kangaroos live.

Donations from kind people in Australia and overseas have helped raise funds to continue his work in the heart of the Australian Outback.

Brolga’s next step is to build Central Australia’s first wildlife hospital on the grounds of his Sanctuary. Donations are welcome to help him with his current work and his dream of building a hospital.  For more information go to:


"This photo of my joeys always makes me smile."

#Repost from @thekangaroosanctuary

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