The courage to leave the secure bubble creates the space to pursue the passion and a life really wanted. The bubble looks different for everyone, this is one of them... #people #passion #dreams #courage --- "I was a British Marine Commando for eighteen years. I served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Sierra Leone. But I never enjoyed it. I [...]
follow your heart
Always follow your heart! It's "Better than Fantastic", it's what your soul is yearning for, it keeps you happy and alive! #people --- "My wife and I were both on the six figure plan. I was thinking that if I could get to $100,000 a year, I’d be all right. I studied information systems and [...]
Embrace passion and fun at every age! --- "The competition is getting fierce." #Repost from @humansofny #people #kids #startingyoung #peopleplacesplanet @peopleplacesplanet #passion #photographer #ny#nyc #humansofny Enjoyed this?...You might also enjoy: Other PEOPLE Posts Our LATEST Posts Our PLACES Posts Our PLANET Posts
People know. There's an intuition that guides us, and we follow... --- “My grandparents abused me because they hated my mother. I decided when I was eleven years old that either I was going to kill them, or they were going to kill me, so I went to school one day and told my teacher, [...]
A Beautiful story of how amazing people are, the courage they have and what happens when you believe in yourself and follow your dreams... --- “I grew up in Jerusalem. When I was a child, I loved to paint. My father told me that he was going to send me to the biggest art academy, [...]
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by the dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important: have the courage to follow your HEART and INTUITION." ~ [...]