Selenge Aimag Naadam, MONGOLIA ~ PLACES



Selenge Aimag Naadam ~ MONGOLIA

Places and ceromonies share much about communities and the planet. This at Selenge Aimag Naadam in Mongolia is a two day celebration and there are many volunteers who have supported and learnt from the community.


"This is ever so clear during the Naadam celebration each July. I took this photo at the opening ceremony of the Selenge Aimag Naadam. The photo depicts four children in traditional dress playing the morin khuur. I was only a trainee and learned so much about the culture during the two day celebration.

There are 132 volunteers in Mongolia working with their communities on projects in English education, youth development and health. More than 1,145 Peace Corps volunteers have served in Mongolia since the program was established in 1991. "

#Repost from @peacecorps

#PeaceCorps #PeaceCorpsVolunteer #Volunteer #Asia #Mongolia #children #instruments #traditionalclothing #morinkhuur #music #kids #SelengeAimagNaadam #celebration #ceremony #musicalinstruments #traditionalmusic


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