The Treasury, Petra, JORDAN ~ PLACES



The Treasury ~ Petra, JORDAN

Exquisite man-made carvings, an atmospheric musical performance and a full moon energy make Petra, Jordan a place to discover as shared by George Steinmetz.


"The Treasury in #Petra#Jordan, on a full moon during a candle-lit musical performance. Petra was carved from the narrow sandstone canyons of Wadi Musa, on the edge of the Dead Sea rift, by Nabateans some 2,000 years ago.

They became rich from trading frankincense from Arabia to Palestine and the Mediterranean.

With the advent of Christianity, funerary customs changed and demand for frankincense collapsed, and #Nabatean wealth along with it. "

Photograph by George Steinmetz @geosteinmetz

#Repost from @geosteinmetz

@thephotosociety @natgeocreative @anastasiaphoto1 #arab #places @peopleplacesplanet #carvings #music#fullmoon #travel #deadsea


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