Love is PARAMOUNT, Love is EVERYWHERE #PeaceofSydney ~ PLANET



#PeaceOfSydney ~ @penheartspaper


What wonderful random acts of kindness #PeaceOfSydney !

I was out for my morning exercise and daily serenity connection for sunrise at Bondi Beach (Sydney). The sunrise was divine; there were 30 or 40 dolphins playing and flirting in the waves; and a team of Guerrilla Peace Makers were out creating and sharing the LOVE.

They call it “Peace Bombing” - an explosion of love and peace taking to the streets in the wee hours of the morning with arms full of hand painted peace flags.

PeaceOfSydney-01 PeaceOfSydney-Flags PeaceOfSydney-02

The concept was started by Sarah Saunton (@penheartspaper) to "share the love, take a piece of peace or love to connect together strangers for a common good cause and expand the peace and love".

This was the second “PeaceOfSydney” wall and I found it just behind the #bondirescue building. I hear there could be more anytime, anywhere! If you see a piece of peace or love; take it and wear it proudly. We are huge supporters and look forward to the next one.

To find out more about what they’re up to check out #PeaceOfSydney on Instagram.

 Photos: [@penheartspaper @jenpetrie99 @peopleplacesplanet]

#peace #love #bondi #bondibeach #sydney  #hearts #peacebombing #ilovebondi #bondilocal #peopleplacesplanet @peopleplacesplanet #bondilove @australia #random #kindness #people #places #planet

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