Mt Rainer ~ Washington, USA ~ PLACES



Mt Rainer ~ Washington, USA

Wild flowers in the landscape are always a delight and a demonstration of the gentleness of nature.

This purple carpet of wildflowers covers the landscape in Washington State, USA.

#wildflowers #purple #carpet #usa


"With the Cascade Range in the background, a field of purple wildflowers covers this landscape on Mount #Rainier in Washington State."

Photograph by @erickruszewski

#Repost from @natgeotravel

#places #travel #mtrainer #washingtonstate #washington #peopleplacesplanet #flowers #landscape #outdoors #cascaderange #mountains #nature


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Quote of the Day ~ Wed 7 Jan 2015

"A warm SMILE

is the universal language


~ William Arthur Ward

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Lupita Nyong’o is FLOWER ~ PLANET



A pretty little flower, worshipped for my looks... the source of all life.

Today's Nature Is Speaking has Lupita Nyong'o is Flower. 

"There is only so much of me."

"Will they wage wars over me, like they do over everything else? "

Nature Is Speaking Lupita Nyong'o is Flower | Conservation International (CI)

Julia Roberts, Harrison Ford, Kevin Spacey, Edward Norton, Penélope Cruz, Robert Redford, Lupita Nyong'o and Ian Somerhalder all join forces to give nature a voice. Watch: #LupitaNyongo is #Flower.

Over the coming days we will share with you the Nature is Speaking series.

Today: "Lupita Nyong'o is FLOWER"

Contemplate and Enjoy!

(Press play to begin) 

 For further information check out the nature is speaking website:

#makingadifference #planet #peopleplacesplanet #weareone #NatureIsSpeaking #conservation #eco #green  #activism  #planet#peopleplacesplanet #quote #quoteoftheday #peopleplacesplanet #life #survive #LupitaNyongo #ecology #nature #film #naturefilm

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Quote of the Day ~ Tue 6 Jan 2015

"Once a YEAR,

GO someplace you have


~ Dalai Lama

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Ice Cave ~ Mt Erebus, ANTARCTICA ~ PLACES



Ice Cave ~ Mt Erebus, ANTARCTICA

Usually to cold is cold and the hot is hot. Rarely do the two meet.

Here in an ice cave in Mt Erebus, Antarctica the Antarctica ice meets the the hot volcanic rock.


"An ice cave on Mt. Erebus, Antarctica, where steam escapes from cracks in underlying volcanic rock, melting out chambers in overlying ice.

As warm moist air condenses, it forms ice crystals which grow on cave walls in strange forms.

On the right is volcanologist Alexander Gerst, inspecting volcanic ash which coats the walls of the largest room. Caves like these are considered good analogs for the kinds of environments which could harbor life on other planets, such as Mars.

This photo was taken in 2005, and just last November, Alex returned from 165 days on the International Space Station."

Photograph by George Steinmetz @geosteinmetz

#Repost from @geosteinmetz

#NSF #USAP #McMurdo #Erebus #places #antarctica #snow #ice #cave #volcano #peopleplacesplanet


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Quote of the Day ~ Mon 5 Jan 2015

"When you encourage others,

you in the process are encouraged

because you're making a commitment

and a difference in that person's life.

Encouragement really does make a difference."

~ Zig Ziglar

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Better than Fantastic ~ PEOPLE



Always follow your heart!

It's "Better than Fantastic", it's what your soul is yearning for, it keeps you happy and alive!



"My wife and I were both on the six figure plan.

I was thinking that if I could get to $100,000 a year, I’d be all right. I studied information systems and economics in college. I had a decent paying job at the 311 call center. Every morning I’d wake up early then fall back asleep on the subway. It was like that Groundhog’s Day movie.

The ‘deferred life plan’ wasn’t working for me.

Everyone kept telling me that all I needed was another master’s degree, or another certification, but I was done with it. So I quit my job and decided to be a musician. I turned off the TV. I turned off the radio.

I devoted myself full time to music. I’d never played an instrument before, so I found some YouTube videos that taught me basic chord progressions on guitar and keyboard.

I was really bad for a long time. I wondered if I’d made a mistake. But when I listened to the early work of famous musicians like Dr. Dre, they weren’t that good either. I thought: ‘I’m just as smart as them. And they were like me once. So if they got there, so can I.’

I started driving a cab so I could control my own hours. I’d get off at 2 AM and make music until 5 AM, but I’d still wake up happy because life had a purpose now. I called my first album ‘Better Than Fantastic,’ because that’s how it felt. I’ve handed out 10,000 of them. I give one to everyone who rides in the cab."

#Repost from @humansofny

#humansofny #peopleplacesplanet @peopleplacesplanet #followyourheart #heart #happy #alive #ny #newyork #betterthanfantastic #music #musician #groundhogday #learn


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Quote of the Day ~ Sun 4 Jan

"The WORLD is a BOOK

and those who do not TRAVEL

read only ONE PAGE."

~ St. Augustine

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Penelope Cruz is WATER ~ PLANET



Water the foundation of life, over 70% of our bodies.

How much do we value, appreciate, protect & share that which is ours? Today's Nature is Speaking is Water.

"There is only so much of me."

"Will they wage wars over me, like they do over everything else? "

Nature Is Speaking Penelope Cruz is Water | Conservation International (CI)

Julia Roberts, Harrison Ford, Kevin Spacey, Edward Norton, Penélope Cruz, Robert Redford and Ian Somerhalder all join forces to give nature a voice. Watch: #PenelopeCruz is #Water.

Over the coming days we will share with you the Nature is Speaking series.

Today: "Penelope Cruz is WATER"

Contemplate and Enjoy!

(Press play to begin) 

 For further information check out the nature is speaking website:

#makingadifference #planet #peopleplacesplanet #weareone #NatureIsSpeaking #conservation #eco #green  #activism  #planet#peopleplacesplanet #quote #quoteoftheday #peopleplacesplanet #life #body #survive

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Quote of the Day ~ Sat 3 Jan

"You don't have to be great to START,

but you have to START to be GREAT."

~ Zig Ziglar

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